Parental Rights Lawyer

How Child Support in Brazil?

Definition Child Support in Brazil: Is determined based on 3 principles: Necessity – Covering the child’s needs; Possibility – Calculated with the father’s financial capacity; Reasonableness -Cannot be excessive, not to harm the father.

How Calculate Child Support in Brazil?

Definition of how to calculate support: Although there is no standard percentage, the courts can order between 10% and 30% of the paying parent's income, which may be less, it will depend on each case, on the real needs of each child, respecting what each parent's financial capacity supports.

Parental Rights Lawyer, Image of father worried about finances damaged by high and unfair child support consulting with lawyer

What are the father’s rights when it comes to paying maintenance?

Feeling overburdened by Child Support in Brazil?

You Might Have Options.

Let's face it, child support is crucial for a child's well-being. But what happens when the court-ordered amount feels excessive, straining your finances and hindering your ability to care for yourself and possibly other dependents?

Here's a glimmer of hope: Brazilian law prioritizes fairness. Child support should reflect both your child's needs and your financial capacity. This means there's a chance you could get a reduction if your circumstances have significantly changed.

Here's where a qualified Child Support Lawyer in Brazil can be your champion.

An experienced lawyer can meticulously review your case, considering factors like:

Increased expenses for your own essential needs (housing, healthcare)

Changes in your income (job loss, pay cuts)

The child's current living situation (are their needs truly being met?)

What can a Child Support lawyer do for me?

By presenting a clear and convincing case to the judge, we, as your lawyers, will defend you to ensure that the child support amount reflects your current reality and not a situation invented by the mother who increased the child support amount to illicitly enrich herself at her expense.

Where find child support lawyer in Brazil who defend the father?

Don't feel stuck with an unfair burden, take action today. Fill out the form below to consult a child support lawyer who understands the nuances of Brazilian law and is dedicated to defending the father's rights:

Client talking to Parental Rights Lawyer, answering all questions about child support